Abstract submission frequently asked questions
Which conferences do you accept abstracts to?
The Association accepts abstracts to all our major conferences (WSM, Trainee Conference and Annual Congress). Top scoring abstracts will be either invited to display a poster or present their work orally during the conference.
When is the submission deadline for abstracts?
The deadlines for submission of abstracts for Association of Anaesthetists meetings are available here. Under no circumstances will an abstract be accepted after the stated deadline.
Which category should I submit my abstract to?
Audit - comparison of practice against a local or national standard. Ideally the audit cycle should be completed or the intention to do so demonstrated.
Quality improvement - systematic processes of continuous analysis and improvement of the quality of healthcare, irrespective of the starting point.
Education and training - abstracts related to the education and training of anesthesia professionals. Topics may include curriculum development, innovative teaching methods, simulation-based learning, assessment of competencies, and continuing professional development.
Survey - ascertainment of views/practices of staff or patients that are not routinely collected.
Original research - observational or interventional studies involving collection of new data.
Case report – describes an unusual and instructive case, or small group of cases (Case Series) demonstrating novel anaesthetic techniques or equipment, new information on diseases of importance to anaesthesia, or unusual toxicity or equipment failure.
Patient Safety (Roddie McNicol Patient Safety Award - Annual Congress only) – a project showcasing examples of improved safety in anaesthesia.
NELA Trainee Poster prize (WSM only) – A project that uses your hospital’s NELA data to bring about an improvement in care. A trainee must submit and be listed as the presenting author.
Is there a word limit for the abstract?
The maximum length of an abstract is 2,500 characters, including spaces; this count excludes the abstract title (maximum 300 characters) and references (maximum 2 references and 500 characters). Tables included in the abstract are excluded from the word count. Tables should be no longer than 12 rows.
Submitters must use full punctuation throughout the submission. Your abstract will be reviewed as submitted, so please ensure that you fully review your abstract prior to final submission. View a list of past abstract publications.
Approvals and consent
What approval(s) and/or consent should I have for my abstract?
Prior to submission, you must ensure that appropriate ethical and/or regulatory approval has been obtained for the work submitted. If you are unsure if you have the appropriate levels of consent, you should contact the relevant departments for advice. Processes vary between Trusts, but presentation of any patient data would normally require approval by one or more of the following: Trust Caldicott Guardian; R&D department; Audit department; or Research Ethics Committee (or equivalent if non-NHS). At least one of these should be consulted prior to the commencement of your project.
Adequate consent to allow publication must be obtained prior to submission of your abstract. If appropriate approvals have not been sought, this could result in rejection of your abstract at the very least (and even referral to your REC and/or Trust in extreme cases). Examples of approvals from each would be as follows:
- Audit department – All audit and quality improvement projects should be discussed with this department within the Trust. They may signpost that other approvals are needed if work is to be presented.
- R&D department – Research and development departments should be involved in any piece of work relating to research and service development, including quality improvement projects.
- Trust Caldicott Guardian - A Caldicott Guardian is a senior person responsible for protecting the confidentiality of people's health and care information and making sure it is used properly. Any project that includes presentation of patient data should be discussed with them and the necessary approvals sought prospectively.
- Research Ethics Committee – RECs exist to safeguard the rights, safety, dignity and well-being of research participants. They review research proposals and give an opinion about whether research is ethical. All research proposals should be reviewed by them.
- Consent - Written consent must be sought from any patient(s) whose data are being used in a case report or series. If patient data are being used in other scenarios, such as in a patient survey, then at least verbal consent (but only with the appropriate approvals (see above)) must be obtained.
- Surveys - As a condition of acceptance participants in surveys must be asked for consent through either written consent or through a tick box on the survey. Participants must be asked for agreement for publication of results/data from the survey. Participants should be reassured that they are free to decline to participate without penalty and all data collected and presented will be fully anonymised. REC or Caldicott Guardian approval is likely to be required if patients are directly involved in surveys and the data collection is not part of routine care.
My survey is anonymous and does not include any identifiable information, do I need to obtain consent from the participants?
Yes, all participants must be asked for agreement for publication of results/data from the survey. Participants should be reassured that they are free to decline to participate without penalty and all data collected and presented will be fully anonymised. REC or Caldicott Guardian approval is likely to be required if patients are directly involved in surveys and the data collection is not part of routine care.
I wish to submit a case report abstract but the patient has died. Can I present the case?
Presentation of case reports should follow the guidance for authors submitting to Anaesthesia; i.e.: "Submission of a case report requires the written consent of the subject to publication. While the reviewers recognise that it might not always be possible to seek such consent (or the assent of the next-of-kin if the patient has died), the onus will be on the authors to demonstrate that this exception applies in their case."
You must obtain signed written consent before submission, and this declaration should be included in the abstract and stated in any oral or poster presentation. Please contact secretariat@anaesthetists.org if you have any queries.
Do I need to provide evidence of obtaining consent? What consent do I need?
Submission of a case report requires the written consent of the subject to publication, using a specific patient consent form, or equivalent consent form. All consent forms must seek approval for the publication and presentation of the case.
Please do not submit this document together with your abstract but note that you will be asked to declare that consent has been obtained when you submit, and you may be asked to provide the signed form as evidence at a later date.
The approval(s) and/or consent that I have attained for my abstract do not fall into the options outlined. Where can I document these?
It is possible that the approval(s) that you have obtained differ from those outlined above; this may simply reflect different processes within your hospital. If you are unsure, please contact secretariat@anaesthetists.org as soon as possible. You should also enter any relevant information and explanations into the free text box on the declarations page of the abstract submission.
What happens if I don’t have the correct approval(s) or consent that are needed?
You may be contacted by the Association to enquire about approvals and consent, if it’s unclear from your submission whether these were obtained appropriately. Alternatively, your abstract will be rejected.
The approval(s) and/or consent that I have attained for my abstract do not fall into the options outlined. Where can I document these?
It is possible that the approval(s) that you have obtained differ from those outlined above; this may simply reflect different processes within your hospital. If you are unsure, please contact secretariat@anaesthetists.org as soon as possible. You should also enter any relevant information and explanations into the free text box on the declarations page of the abstract submission.
What headings should I use for my abstract?
Audit and quality improvement, NELA, original research, patient safety and survey abstracts should start with an untitled introductory paragraph and be followed by the sub-headings below (in bold)
References (maximum of two)
What headings should I use for a case report abstract?
Use only the headings: Description / Discussion / Acknowledgements / References. The title of your abstract should not include the phrase "A Case Report".
I wish to submit a case report abstract but the patient has died. Can I present the case?
Presentation of case reports should follow the guidance for authors submitting to Anaesthesia; i.e.: "Submission of a case report requires the written consent of the subject to publication. While the reviewers recognise that it might not always be possible to seek such consent (or the assent of the next-of-kin if the patient has died), the onus will be on the authors to demonstrate that this exception applies in their case." Thus you must obtain signed written consent before submission, and this declaration should be included in the abstract and stated in any oral or poster presentation. Please contact secretariat@anaesthetists.org if you have any queries.
Can I include images or tables in my abstract?
Yes, but only one image or one table is permitted in each abstract.
You must ensure that you have permission to use images prior to submission. Images must be of a high quality and should not be a collage of multiple images. All images must have an editable description which must be included in the main body of your abstract, which is included in the 2,500 character count.
Tables included in the abstract are excluded from the word count but should be no longer than 12 rows. Tables must be fully editable and must not be submitted as an image. All tables must have an editable description which must be included in the main body of your abstract, which is included in the 2,500 character count.
Is the maximum 2,500 character count flexible?
No, you must adhere to the maximum character count. You must use appropriate grammar and punctuation throughout. Do not omit using spaces to fit within the character count. Your abstract will be reviewed as submitted, and this may affect your abstract being accepted to the meeting.
Is it possible to submit more than one abstract?
There is no restriction on the number of abstracts submitted by the same author(s), but please be careful if you are the presenting author for more than one, as this may present a problem during the judging sessions. Judging sessions often occur concurrently for several categories. If submitting more than one abstract as a presenting author you may find that you need to be in several places at once. It is expected that all authors are present for the entirety of poster presentations within their group.
Can I submit multiple abstracts on the same project?
Multiple abstracts can be submitted on the same project by the same author(s) provided they focus on different areas of the project. Multiple abstracts presenting the same results will be rejected.
Data collection for my study is underway but will not be ready in time for the abstract deadline submission; however, the abstract will be prepared by the deadline. Is it possible to submit the results/data prospectively?
Abstracts are accepted or rejected to the conference based on the abstract submission. It is inappropriate for it to be submitted without essential results on the promise that these will be available later. It is likely that the abstract would be rejected, and it would be better to await data collection and analysis and to submit to a later meeting, when the complete study can be presented.
Can I withdraw my abstract after submission?
Yes, abstracts can be withdrawn after the submission/closing date, but they cannot be altered after the closing date. They cannot be withdrawn from publication in Anaesthesia after the journal supplement been prepared for publication, four weeks before the conference.
Common errors in abstract submission
Do you have any guidance on common text and spelling errors in abstract submissions?
Guidance on abstracts can be found here.
What are the most common problems that authors have with their submitted abstracts?
The most common problems arising are queries around whether appropriate or sufficient approvals and consent have been attained. Please make sure that you have contacted and gained approval from appropriate regulatory bodies in your hospital before starting any project and before submitting a piece of work for presentation at a conference. Please read the declarations page carefully and ensure that you choose the appropriate drop-down tab. If you have any queries then contact secretariat@anaesthetists.org as soon as possible and before the submission deadline. If appropriate approvals have not been sought, this could result in rejection of your abstract at the very least (and even referral to your REC and/or Trust in extreme cases).
What constitutes authorship?
All authors must meet the requirements of authorship as set out in the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors i.e. all have made a substantial contribution to the acquisition of data and its interpretation AND been involved in drafting the abstract or revising it – AND all authors must accept responsibility for the work presented. All proposed changes in authorship after submission must be fully explained.
How many co-authors can I include on the authors’ list?
There is a maximum of six authors allowed on each abstract. All authors should have made a significant contribution as per the definition of what constitutes authorship, above.
Do I need to include all authors in the ‘authors’ field when submitting my abstract?
Yes, please ensure you include all the authors who have contributed to the work in the appropriate field when submitting your abstract, as this is the author list that will appear in the published abstract – you will be unable to add authors later and your co-investigators will be left off the published version of the abstract.
How should the authors be listed for a collaborative project?
Some projects involve large groups of collaborators, e.g. a trainee network, and it’s not practical to include every name under ‘author’; in such circumstances, please use the following format: ‘Author 1, Author 2, Author 3 on behalf of the XY Group – and under ‘Acknowledgement’ at the end, add the following: ‘A full list of contributors can be found at XYXY.co.uk’ – i.e. please provide a website address where all contributors/collaborators are listed.
Do the authors of the abstract and the poster have to be the same? i.e. if a colleague works on the poster can they be classified as an author?
The authors should be the same, although any individual who is not an author and contributes to the production of the poster can be acknowledged.
Submitting and presenting the same work at other meetings
Can I submit an abstract that has been submitted to another Association or non-Association meeting?
Yes, if your abstract has been presented at or accepted by another meeting (whether an Association or non-Association event) and has been published or accepted for publication, you may present it at an Association meeting, but it cannot be published as an online abstract. You must declare if your abstract has been submitted, presented or published elsewhere on submission of your abstract. You must disclose this during the oral presentation or included on the poster. You cannot have an abstract published if it has been published (including online in any form) before. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure that your abstract is not double published, therefore contravening copyright.
If your abstract has been presented at or accepted by another meeting (whether an Association or non-Association event) and it has not been published or accepted for publication, you can present it at an Association meeting and it can be published as an online abstract. You must declare if your abstract has been submitted to another conference on submission of your abstract. If presented elsewhere, it must be stated during oral presentation/included on the poster.
Can I submit my abstract after it has been published online or in a conference programme?
Yes, but the abstract will not be able to be published in full. A reference to the published abstract will be added in place of the full abstract in the online supplement of Anaesthesia.
Can I submit my abstract after it has been published in Anaesthesia, Anaesthesia Reports or another relevant publication?
No, once published anywhere, it cannot be accepted to the conference and presented as original work at a meeting.
Can I submit an abstract if the work has been published (or submitted to) a journal, such as Anaesthesia as a letter?
No, once published or submitted to a journal as a full paper or letter, it cannot be accepted to the conference and presented as original work at a meeting.
Can I submit an abstract and present my findings as a poster or oral presentation at a meeting before submitting my case report to Anaesthesia, Anaesthesia Reports or another relevant publication?
Yes, but you must declare that it has been presented (in part) at xxx meeting when submitting your abstract to a publication such as Anaesthesia or Anaesthesia Reports. It is your responsibility to ensure that the publication is not published ahead of the conference.
Selection process
What are the criteria against which abstracts are reviewed?
The scoring criteria are available here. You are strongly encouraged to look at the scoring guides when preparing your submission.
Who selects the abstracts and decides how they will be presented?
All submitted abstracts will go through a peer review process carried out by the shortlisting panel. All abstract review decisions are final. There is no appeals process or opportunity to resubmit once an abstract is rejected. The top scoring abstracts will be invited for oral presentation (Annual Congress and Trainee Conference only); the remaining successful authors may be invited to present a poster.
Registration and attendance at the meeting
Is there an abstract submission fee?
No, there is no charge to submit an abstract; however the first author or a co-author of all accepted abstracts, whether as a poster or oral presentation, must register for the meeting at the appropriate rate. Submission of an abstract does not constitute registration for the meeting.
I am an author and my abstract was accepted as a poster/oral presentation but I cannot get study leave. Can a colleague present on my behalf?
Yes, provided that colleague is a listed author on your abstract submission.
I am an author and my abstract was accepted as a poster display but I am unable to attend the meeting in person. Can the poster sill be accepted?
Regrettably not; an author must register for the meeting in order for the poster to be displayed.
When will I be informed of the outcome of my submission?
The submitting author will be informed of the outcome of their submission around the time stated on the website.
I am an author and my abstract was shortlisted for poster discussion, but I cannot attend the poster discussion session. Will the poster still be shortlisted and will I be eligible for prizes?
Your poster will still be classed as a shortlisted poster and you will receive a certificate, but you will not be eligible for prizes as an author is required to present the poster and answer the judges’ questions.
When do I need to book to attend the conference?
An author must book to attend the conference in person ahead of the stated booking deadline. Those not booked on by this time will have their abstract withdrawn from the conference, so will not be published or poster will not be displayed.
Do I need to register for the whole two/three of the conference?
No, you are not required to register for the full two/three days of the conference, however, if your poster is shortlisted for discussion, you must attend the shortlisted poster session to be eligible for prizes.
Will my abstract be published?
Yes, all abstracts will be published in an online supplement of Anaesthesia, unless published elsewhere. Abstracts that have previously been published, or will be published elsewhere will have the reference to the published abstract included in place of the full abstract in the online supplement of Anaesthesia.
Oral presentations
My abstract has been accepted for oral presentation, can it move session?
No, the session stated in our email correspondence is final and cannot be changed.
Is it okay to have two presenters for an oral presentation?
No; this is unfortunately not possible.
Is there a specific template to use for oral presentations?
No, you can design your oral presentation as you wish, but you are asked to include a title slide indicating the authors with qualifications and post(s) held and any acknowledgements.
How long will my oral presentation be?
You will have a maximum of five minutes to present, followed by a two-minute discussion period. Questioning will be limited to the details of the study and time keeping is imperative. You will also need to state during your presentation that ethical approval was obtained (if appropriate).
Do I need to submit my presentation ahead of the meeting?
Yes, you are required to submit your oral presentation slides to secretariat@anaesthetists.org ahead of the stated deadline. Please ensure that you thoroughly review the slides prior to submission.
Can I review my slides before my presentation?
Yes, you will be able to check your slides when you visit at the speaker check area at the venue.
My abstract has been selected for oral presentation, do I also need to produce a poster?
No, you will only be required to create a PowerPoint presentation. There will be no opportunity to display a poster during the conference.
How are the oral presentation judged?
Presentation judging is based on the scientific merit, presentation including visual aids and response to questions and the overall relevance of the work to anaesthetic practice.
What format will the posters be displayed in during the conference?
All posters will be displayed as electronic ePosters. No physical posters will be displayed. Posters will displayed in landscape orientation and must be submitted in PowerPoint format via the online abstract submission system. You will receive submission details and an ePoster template after the acceptance deadline has passed.
Do I have to use the provided ePoster template?
Yes, however you are free to design the poster as you wish. Only the Association logo and header must remain unchanged.
Will all posters be presented during the meeting?
All posters will be displayed throughout the meeting, but only shortlisted posters will be discussed and presented during the formal facilitated poster discussion sessions.
Does the poster have to include the entire abstract?
Yes, the printed abstract is a summary of the poster that's presented, so the poster should include the content of the abstract and ideally, expand on the content of the abstract to provide additional information that may not have fitted into the submitted abstract. Information and data from re-audits collected after the initial submission can be included.
What happens if I don’t include a statement about ethical or other approval, and/or patient consent, in my actual poster?
The Association is committed to uphold the highest ethical standards and all posters must contain such a statement.
Do I need to stand by my poster during the conference?
You are only required to stand by your poster during the shortlisted poster session if your poster has been selected for discussion. Those not shortlisted for discussion are not required to stand by their conference at any point during the conference, but are welcome to invite delegates to view their work and answer questions on their poster.
My poster has been shortlisted for discussion, what does this mean?
Submitters whose posters have been shortlisted for discussion are invited to attend the shortlisted discussion session during the meeting where they will present their work to the conference delegates present. You will be presenting your poster, so no accompanying slides are required to be submitted.
The presenting author(s) will have a maximum of five minutes to present, followed by a two-minute discussion period. Questioning will be limited to the details of the study and time keeping is imperative. You will also need to state during your presentation that ethical approval was obtained (if appropriate).
I presented my work during an Association meeting. Can I have a certificate for my portfolio?
We will provide the submitting author with a letter confirming the presentation to share with the co-authors after the conference. Attendance certificate can be downloaded by logging on to your Association profile. This is your membership profile or profile you created to book onto the meeting.